Tech Blog
Discussing the latest in the enterprise, mobile, web and social apps world.
Minimalism, Fewer Words, More Images Minimalism benefits websites in many ways. Not only does it allow faster loading times and better compatibility between screen sizes, but it also helps your visitor concentrate on what they need and check out in...
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Nowadays Google has been pushing the famous “HTTPS everywhere” initiative. HTTPS provides better security for end-users by encrypting all traffic between server and browser, but it’s also used as a ranking signal. In this blog post, we will cover the...
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Social media platforms, will help you target relevant people with ads, making you visible where you otherwise wouldn’t be. Many types of research show that most consumers turn to social media and the internet before making their final buying decisions,...
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Magento is the king of ecommerce sites right now, offering you a top notch online store and user experience. But how can you make yours the best? Here are five tips on how to create a super successful Magento commerce site, including...
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For years the digital marketing industry and its reach has been growing. And really that’s no surprise, with the offerings of online drawing people to their screens even more. I mean, now with online shopping (including everything from clothes, products...
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